Frequently asked questions

Will the Party Tyme Karaoke Streaming Service website and videos work on my device? What if they don't?

There is a video playback test on the sign up page, which shows if your device and Internet browser are compatible with the video playback. If not, you can update or switch the browser, or use another device if possible.

How many karaoke songs are available?

The Party Tyme catalog consists of over 42,000 songs. New releases are added every month. Note that some songwriters do not allow karaoke use of their songs. Any special requests will be taken into consideration.

Are songs in different languages available?

The catalog currently consists of over 28,000 songs in English and over 10,000 songs in Spanish and over 2,000 songs in Portuguese. There are smaller amount of songs in other languages as well, such as in German, French, Swedish, Italian and Hebrew.

How can I contact you if I have more questions?

You can use the contact form or send an email to customerservice@partytymeplayer.com

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